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Aromatherapy + Pregnancy

Aromatherapy is a part of my everyday life. Plant derivatives or essential oils can assist you physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. During Pregnancy all of those aspects of ourselves are usually in need of care & balance. Essential oils harmonise synergistically with our body & its cellular structure unlike man made drugs, although as we know they have their place in our world too.

Aromatherapy has become popular for everyday use. Once your basic Lavender is tried from a friend’s recommendation, it’s a daily ritual for our young & old. Essential oils are highly volatile, concentrated extractions. Most of them need to be diluted & blended with suitable carrier oils before being applied to our skin.

Not all essential oils are safe for growing babies. Some essential oils act as stimulants, having an emmanouge action - ( stimulates the flow of blood in the pelvic area & the uterus) promoting menstruation, they can be detoxifying & can leave you feeling euphoric & anxious.

Always see a Certified Aromatherapist & never use essential oils without them being prescribed.

Essential oils to avoid during pregnancy are:




Red Thyme

Rose ( all types of Rose)


Clary sage



Chamomile (all types of Chamomile)






Black Pepper


In the plant world there are essential oils that can make you feel amazing during all stages of pregnancy including the onset of labour & as early as day 1 in the post natal period.

Certain oils can gently initiate labour from 39 -40+ weeks. A growing baby as early as 12 weeks can smell the outside world. Their olfactory epithelium develops around 9 weeks, along with the nostrils.

Because the essential oils enter the bloodstream via the pores of the skin within 30 seconds, the natural chemical constituents have the ability to act therapeutically rather instantly. Essential oils are relaxing, balancing, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anti-depressant, cephalic (clears the mind of clogged fearful thoughts), uplifting, refreshing, , analgesic, immuno-stimulants, mucolytic, to name a few.

Some common pregnancy ailments like stretch marks can be treated with Mandarin & Apricot kernel oil, which improves the elasticity of the skin.

Sciatica is very painful in pregnancy & never missed once you have given birth. Lavender is analgesic ( pain relieving) & anti-inflammatory providing relief for this.

Jasmine is the oil to use to assist with induction, I like to blend it with Rose oil & Clary Sage as all essential oils when blended have a synergistic effect enhances their properties.

If bub suffering from symptoms related to Colic, Chamomile infuse in Jojoba is the best to use being calming & assisting with digestion.

Post natal depression can be treated with essential oils too. Although nutrition plays a big part here & it should always be treated holistically, Aromatherapy helps with our emotions.

Always seek out a Certified Aromatherapist.

Essential oils safe for pregnancy are:






Ylang Ylang





Tea Tree



Rose Geranium




Recipe for Belly oil for mummas to be ...use after the 1 st trimester

Add to a 50ml amber glass bottle add:

25 ml of Apricot Kernal oil

25 ml of Springfields wheatgerm

6 drops of Mandarin

2 drops of Geranium

2 drops of Frankinsence

2 drops of Lavender

This Blend is soothing for mum & bub during pregnancy

& will support the elasticity of the skin during the last trimester as bump grows.

The aroma alone with help reduce any symptoms related to anxieties around the birth & will help mum prepare for Birth

Recipe for gently Initiating Labour:

“Clary Sage” & pack it in your hospital bag.

Simply inhale this lovely oil often throughout the day & diffuse in your bedroom. It has a grassy yet florally aroma. Its amazing at strengthening your surges & bringing about relief from the pressure when bubs is descending.

You can add 4 drops to a small amount of milk ( I like coconut milk ) then add that to warm bath ( not hot ). Light candles & practice your HypnoBirthing visualisations rituals.

If you like mix 6 drops of Clary Sage

3 drops of Jasmine

3 drops of Rose

to 25 ml of almond oil & apply often to your lower back & abdomen from 39-40 weeks on

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